Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Board Meeting- October 24, 2009

Present: Barb Bottger, John Bottger, Linda Bosma, Karla Miller, Karen Monson (via phone), Jim Morrison, Tom Rice, Ann Rykken, Peter Spink, Ted Young

1. The meeting was called to order by vice-president Linda Bosma.

2. Kristine Matter has been appointed as a board member by board president Karen Monson to fill the role of Mel Peterson.

3. Conflict of Interest Policy. Linda presented the policy as part of a good, transparent, business operation. The format recommended by the IRS was used to write up the policy. Tom moved and Karla seconded that the policy be accepted as written. Motion passes. Board members present signed the policy.

4. Contract with BCT. Linda presented the contract. Karla suggested that a bullet be added to cover the costs of lodging for trail maintenance volunteers but it was decided that the wording in the contract is broad enough to cover this collaboration. We want to make sure that we continue to help support the relationship between BCT and volunteer organizations such as North Star Run and Ski Club. John moved and Anne seconded that the contract be approved. Motion passes.

5. Staggered Board terms. Ted passed out slips in random order naming terms. They are as follows: 2010 - Wayne Monson, Anne Rykken, Peter Spink. 2011 – John Bottger, Jim Morrison, Tom Rice.

6. Midwest Mountaineering Winter Expo scheduled Nov. 20-22 (weekend before Thanksgiving). Great opportunity for exposure if we have enough resources to attend. It is a 3-day event, $70 cost for a table – 4 ft. We would need a banner and such. Anne volunteered to decorate the display and create hand out materials but not able to attend. Peter volunteered time at the table. Karla and Ted will be at the BCT booth and could take a turn at the table. Barb, Peter and Anne will coordinate this effort including a conversation of business sponsorship to cover costs. Ted is presenting and would welcome a BTA board member to speak during his presentation.

7. Banadad Bridge. Two weeks ago Ted went in with 2 horses to take the poles into the bridge. The project is stalled. Ted is in conversation with the District Ranger on alternative methods to move ahead on this project.

8. John moved and Anne seconded a motion to adjourn. Motion passes.

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