Thursday, November 1, 2012

Banadad Trail Association
Board Meeting Conference Call
July 12, 2012

Present:  John and Barb Bottger, Peter Spink, Karla Miller, Ted Young, Tom Rice, Wayne Monsen, Chris Matter, Andy Jenks, Anne Rykken

Agenda approved.

Motion to accept minutes from May retreat minutes.  Peter moved.  Andy seconded.  Motion passed.

Committee Reports
Finance – No report. 
Membership – No report.

Forest Service Meeting
Very positive meeting.  Some of the forest service people are at work on projects now.  Their availability towards the end of the summer depends on their firefighting obligations.  We will have a motion to entertain during the financing plan for the reroute.

West End Trail Connection
Ted and John met with Mike Prom yesterday.  There is a good understanding of the numbers and who is going to do what.  It got more interesting because any agreements will involve three people, - the current, legal landowner, the Proms, and the BTA. 

Proms were worried about liability.  Ted says his company’s insurance can cover this.  Proms are fine with the BTA doing some work on the Trail before the 3 – year period. 

If we decide to move forward with this project, Proms will start with the legal work.

Costs – The total cost of the project is a little over $9,000.  Ted has talked with the DNR to make sure we know which numbers are covered by the grant.  BTA estimated costs include the appraiser, the Natural Heritage Review and 25% of the grant which totals $3,540 for the BTA.  If we are going to use the grant, this project must be completed by June 30, 2013.  We are in an immediate cash flow crunch in order to proceed with the appraisal.

What is the appetite for incurring this debt?  There is a potential for a $1,500 grant from the USFS.  If we do that, the request would be for work on the existing trail because they do not award grants for work done on private property.  If we got this, we wouldn’t see the money until next Spring.

We can also apply for $500 from the Arrowhead Electric Cooperative which could be rather unlikely.

This adds up to the need to consider a loan because it is a cash flow issue.   Karla is uncomfortable because fundraising is then done to pay down debt.

Ted says we have a $6,000 loan with the county with interest rate based on T-bonds, around 3%.  It would be very easy to ask the county to rewrite the existing loan using the $12,000 from the snowmobile as collateral.  This project is so crucial to the survival of the Banadad that Ted is willing to gamble on it.  If we can’t cover the loan, Ted would figure out how to be sure the BTA does not take on the debt.

Andy agrees with Karla and understands that it is very common to take out a bridge loan due to a cash flow.  It is probably easier to raise money during the ski season.  This seems like an essential project for the trail.  We do have a business problem if we can’t get members but we have to have this trail.

Peter understands it is a near term cash flow issue but we’ve never been able to demonstrate getting memberships so the concern is how we are going to keep paying our expenses.

Ted feels very confident that we will get the $1,500 from the USFS and that the banks will give $500 each, especially when it is connected to this project.

Chris understands the situation and questions whether this can come soley from membership.

John asks if the board is comfortable with Ted and John to proceed with a detailed financial plan?  Ted says we need to hire an appraiser by the end of July and to get the trail work done before the snow falls.

Do board members have other ideas for raising funds?

Motion to get a short-term bridge loan for $1,500 to pay for an appraiser.  Andy moved and Wayne seconded. 

Discussion – We’ll need more money in the fall so we will also have to be aggressive with other fundraising.  We can’t get grant money until the appraisal is done.  This loan would be an unsecured loan from the bank.  Let’s get two banks on board with a contribution of $750 each first.  The banks should be told that there is a board approval to ask for a loan if we are turned down for the philanthropy.

Amended motion.  Motion to get a short-term bridge loan for up to $1,500 to pay for an appraiser.  Andy moved and Wayne seconded.  Ayes - 5   Nayes – 4  Motion passed.

Ted and John will proceed as discussed with the banks and will report back to the board.

Peter is just as unsure about the future of the organization as he is about the short-term expense for this trail reroute.

How will we raise the rest of the money?  Andy says we have a great plan with USFS support.  We should be able to fancy a letter to the membership and ask for a cash donation.  Barb will draft a letter for the membership fundraising effort.  The letter should include a picture of the flagged trail and emphasize the parking and access to the trail from the west end.

Motion to have John and Linda write a letter to Dennis, the Forest Ranger to request for funding of $1,500.  John moved and Andy seconded.  Motion passed.

Annual Meeting Date
The annual meeting will be on Saturday, October 20, 2012.

Andy reports that they are waiting for the west end of the trail to be finalized before maps are printed.

Karla will ask Linda about putting a request for funds on the Give MN site. 

Motion to adjourn.  John moved and Andy seconded.  Motion passed.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Board Meeting - August 30, 2011

Present:  Ted Young, Kate Kelnberger, Paul Kelnberger, John Bottger, Barb Bottger, Tom Rice, Linda Bosma, Chris Matter, Wayne Monsen, Karen Monsen, Peter Spink

1.  Pres. Linda Bosma called the meeting to order.
2.  Motion to approve minutes.  John moved.  Kate second.  Motion passes.
3.  West End Re-route.  New owner would like us to pay for cost of survey of property at an approximate cost of $8,000.  A BTA member has suggested that the trail would be grandfathered and there would be no legal obligation on our part to change the trail head.  Ted suggests we consider grant monies to pay for the survey.  These grant monies, “Local Trail Connection Grant” is due October 31, 2011.  The grant is a 25% cash match up front.  Chris and Ted could work on this grant application in order to get it through the county by mid-October.  Barb and John will also be consulted.  The survey would be part of the trail development costs, thus fitting the parameters of the grant.  Kate moves that the board let the property owners know that we want to go forward on the project contingent on the approval of a grant proposal.  John seconds.  Motion passes.
4.  Maintenance.  Jim Raml cleared, for 4 miserable rainy days, ¾ mile of the trail, eight miles out for $1,000.00 covered by grant money.
MCC worked 8 days in August to clear down trees on the west end and widened about 1-1/2 miles of the west end.
Mowing has occurred on the Tall Pines Trail and the Banadad by brush saw.
Banadad Bridge Project for Sept. 17-18.  Lee W. and Steve are interested as well as one or two other people (Karla, Ted, Pete, Tom).  Ted will ask Jim Morrison and Tom will ask a few more.  Out of town workers can stay at Little Ollie on Friday and workers will camp at the site on Saturday night.  Ted and Tom will work out equipment, etc.  This project is being funded through the Arrowhead Grant.
Ted reports that we should focus on work outside the Boundary Waters with equipment to finish the trails; namely, Tall Pine, Lace Lake and part of  the Tim Knopp Trail.  Ted would like to hire a brush hog and bobcat to come up to do it for 3-4hours.  Grant money would cover this. 
5.  Treasurer’s Report.  Kate reported ending balance of  $1,227.66. 
The budget needs to be prepared for the annual meeting.  Linda has asked Chris and Ted to join Kate and Linda in preparing the budget.  Linda anticipates a few conference calls and emails in order to accomplish this task.
6.  Possible new ski trail from the west end of Poplar connecting to the Banadad.  Homeowners on Poplar are proposing to take the old Winchell Lake trail, widen it and use as a ski trail.  They hope to groom this section by mechanical means upon approval by the USFS but they would do it by hand if need be.  Kate moves that we support this group in their efforts and to send a letter saying so.  Chris seconds.  Motion passes.
7.  Grant Status.  Ted & Chris
MN DNR Grant in Aid has been paid by the state.  The proposal for this year’s grant has been submitted to the state.  We should hear from them between mid-August and mid-October.
The MN DNR grant for the Lace Lake Trail Extension of $4,500 has been closed out.  Work has been completed.
MN DNR Ski Trail Assistance Program was used to purchase the snowmobile.  This grant expires this fall.  Ted reported that an activator on the motor of the groomer needs to be replaced for $400 +.  Ted would like to re-write the grant to purchase another activator in order to use the last $500 of the grant, with the BTA providing $250. 
The $500 Arrowhead grant will be used for the bridge project.  Chris suggests that photos be taken during the project to be submitted with the final report.  Barb will take lead on the final report.  A separate thank you note, requested by Arrowhead, will be sent along with an invitation to the annual meeting.
Question to Ted – do you know how much we need to request from the DNR this year?
8.  Membership Committee – Ann R. submitted an article to a prominent magazine.  It will appear in the November issue of the Cross Country Skier magazine.  Ted suggests that board members write the magazine with enthusiastic reports of the Banadad and the magazine will print those.
 We continue to struggle with the number of memberships outside of the board.  We have not been able to figure out number goals.  John suggests we use boreal, if possible, to solicit memberships.  Ted reports that every time he posts on his blog, it goes on the boreal website.  It is recommended that an article of the bridge project be included in the North Star newsletter as activities of members, not a direct club activity. 
Linda asked about the collection box installed at the beginning of the trail.  In 2010-11 we collected approx. $7.00!
This committee will meet before the annual meeting. 
9.  Annual Meeting, October 22.  This includes a work day, a short board meeting, and a showcase general membership meeting.  Pictures presented last year were impressive.  Linda will ask Andy if he could bring is projector again.  Any pictures on a cd or memory stick to Tom by Friday night would be included on a presentation he could put together.
Terry Grove and Priscilla will be contact people from North Stars.  Tom will send Terry’s phone number to  Ted.
Linda will pull together a nominating committee (Karen M., John B.) to present a slate of candidates of officers to be voted on by this meeting.
10.  Maps.  Ted has asked for and will submit an estimate from the McKenzie Map company.  We will need new maps by mid-winter.  This would be chargeable to the DNR Trail Fund.
11.  Other items.  Officer’s Insurance.  No money to pursue this at this time. 
Ted’s contract will need to be reviewed and updated by the annual meeting.  The contract will be updated to support the need to spread out our payments to BCT over the year rather than at the end of the year.  Linda and Ted will present to the board.
12.  Paul K. moves that we adjourn at 8:15.  Kate seconds.  Motion passes.

Board Meeting - March 2, 2011

Present:  John and Barb Bottger, Linda Bosma, Ted Young, Kate Kelnberger,
Ann Rykken, Chris Matter, Tom Rice, Peter Spink, Karla Miller, Andy Jenkins

Meeting was called to order by Linda.

Motion was moved (Barb B.) and seconded (John B.) to accept the minutes of the October 2011 Board Meeting.  Minutes approved.

Finance Committee Report:  Preliminary is in the first column.  Few changes -
most significant - DNR grant in aid - $2,000 more than original, so
$8,000.  Revenue - $6,000 loan and $6,050 grant?  Ted says the $6050 loan is
what Ted is paying.  On a cash budget, it should appear on a balance sheet
rather than a budget.  Debt and equipment balance out on a balance sheet.  
Linda recommends that we approve the preliminary budget with instructions for
the Finance committee to iron out these reporting details.  John says that
for the next meeting we should have a copy of the budget and a copy of the
balance sheet.  Motion carries.

This discussion exemplifies to the exec committee that we must understand the
financials.  Thus, a finance committee has been proposed.

The finance committee members will schedule a meeting within the next two
weeks to discuss this matter.

Kate reports the bank statement with a balance of 1451.31 with an invoice of
$237.11, the ending balance is $1,218.20.

The invoice for this conference call is included in this budget. When BCT
gets that invoice, it should be submitted to Kate who, will in turn,
distribute to the Finance C.

BTA 1099 Tax Form from Cook County - Paul K. explains that the money from
Cook County is reflected in that 1099 which goes into your non-profit tax
return.  Should we be issuing a 1099 to BCT?  We're too late for this year.  
We can issue a 1099 at the end of 2011.  Not anything to worry about at this
point as far as a penalty situation.

Tracking grants for accurate matching - Chris is reviewing the grants for
the ongoing maintenance through the DNR.  We need to get logged grooming
time to be submitted to the state.  The state pays us.  BCT bills us and we
pay BCT.  We've gone through that process and we are waiting for the state
to reimburse from the now $8,000 grant.  Our first submission was for
$3,071.  The finance committee is also reviewing this submission.  Chris
recommends that we make clear documentation on the ins and outs of this

Executive C. Meeting - Structure for efficiency and effectiveness.  
Committee formations - 1) Finance  2) Trail maintenance/reroute 3)

Peter has agreed to chair Membership.  Kate K. will chair Finance C.  

Maps - Enough printed til the end of the season.  These are not the glossy,
heavyweight maps.  These are BTA maps on lesser quality paper.  Tom, Andy
and Ted will work on a higher quality map for next season.

Non-profit status is still in the waiting mode.  No sense to the turn around

Need for director's and officer's insurance for the Board.  Karla reported
that she talked to an agent who impressed the importance of covering current
and retired board members.  Quotes are coming in from $521 to $1150/year.  
Advice includes making sure that our by-laws cover this.  Pete thinks this
insurance is very helpful.  Chris says it is imperative.  John agrees and
says it is another budget item.  Linda says there is a recommended piece to
put in the by-laws.  Karla moves that we put this in place if the Finance C.
finds a bid comes in up to $600.  Kate seconds.  Motion carries.

Membership Committee - Peter reports the committee consists of Barb, Ann,
Linda, John, Peter.  We've blessed a press release from Ted.  Chris worked
hard on a collection box which has raised about $5.00.  We also did a draft
for renewals and for BCT guests.  To do's consist of articles in magazines,
a survey of potential members, local and TC and resorts.  We need to meet
and put together a work plan for this year.  As of Jan. 27 we have 13 new
and 4 renews for a total of $800.00.

Trail Maintenance & Reroute Committee Report - Andy reported on the 2010-11
Trail Plan.  

Ted - The trail is in pretty good shape, with clearing of downed branches
done as of two weeks ago.  The trail will be tracked the end of this week
after a predicted snowfall.  Ted will get maintenance information to Andy to
apply to the trail plan.  The pattern of weather has made it difficult to
maintain this year, especially with the low number of people to maintain the
trail.  Linda wondered about reporting the difficulty in maintaining on the
weekly trail report. Does the reality of the situation mean we should report
the true condition?  Should we ask for more volunteer help in these
situations?  Should we have an emergency crew to get out and work on the

Plans for 2011-12:  Ted needs someone to do all the grooming, as an employee
of BCT.  Due to serious cash flow this year, Ted would like to set it up to
receive an automatic monthly payment to cover his expenses instead of a once
a year reimbursement.  By the annual meeting, we'll have grant dollars and
Ted can submit a proposal.  

West End Property sale - the land has been purchased and will be closed this
month.  Ted believes we will be able to work with the new owner.  More
information after the closing at the end of March.

Andy and Tom as co-chairs of Trail Maintenance and Mapping?  Both are
interested in the mapping aspects but not maintenance.  John proposed to
talk with Ted about the best way to do this.  The map piece needs to go into
this thinking as well.  Andy, Tom and Ted are well into this conversation.  

Ted suggests that he needs a North Star rep on this committee to line up
volunteer weekends, as well as Ann's group.  Ted will take on that role for
North Stars.  Karen and Wayne may be willing to help as well.  Ted reports
that North Stars is making a donation to a bridge project.  Tom suggests if
someone wants to formulate a request for trail type funds, ie. bridge
project, he would bring this to the North Stars.

Other Business

Articles/News Items for Banadad Bulletin in March.  How about a story about
the trip that Linda, Chris and Karla did.  

Website Updates.  Board positions have been updated.  Need to change photos
so the BTA is differentiated from the BCT.  The Facebook page should be included as a place to share photos and experiences.

Cook County Community Fund Meeting on March 8 - Kate will try to get to this
meeting on March 8 at 2 p.m.

Motion was made to adjourn.  Motion passed.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

BTA Meeting with USFS, June 7, 2011

Meeting with USFS
Banadad Trail Plan 2011
Grand Marais USFS District Office

Present:  Ted Young, John and Barb Bottger, Pete Harris, Jon Benson (USFS Wilderness Manager, BTA ad-hoc), Steve Schug (USFS Asst. District Mgr,.))

Steve will be retiring in September.  Jon will be our new contact.  Contact information for Jon Benson:

Ted presented general report for this past year.  Good snow but low count on skiers mainly because the snow was good all over the state.  The winter mix storm was costly. 

In reference to the 2011 Banadad Trail  Plan  IV. Page 6:

Interior Widening is done.

Green Up has been done.

Request for MCC crews.  USFS is using them for some major projects but believes we can get them on for the Banadad projects at the end of the season.  They are needed at the west end from the Bedew Lake Yurt to widen.  Ted figures it is a 6-day project.

West end reroute/easement is on hold until property sale goes through.

Prescribed Burn area.  WInchell Lake Fire Trail.   USFS will reopen fire trail and cut out all burnt trees…

Side note - Swamp Lake Portage to Poplar.  There is an easement (now the snowmobile trail) and people use it as a portage in the summer and end up at Ted’s house.  Request  to Forest Service to put up signs to correct traffic flow.  Forest Service will follow up.

Banadad Bridge – Got the beams in there..  Jim R. will take down trees from Ham Fire.  USFS will grant an administrative permit within the next two weeks  for a group of 8 people the weekend of September 17-18.  Entry point is the Skipper Entry Point.

Mowing – Only possible if some money comes along. 

Snow Season Emergency Cleaning – This is getting to be a regular need and it is expense and labor intensive.  We need to come up with a plan to address this.  The USFS agrees but cannot offer any aid.  We can always ask but their budget doesn’t hold much hope.

Steve had comments about the BTA.  He really likes the partnership with the association and the annual trail plan.  It really makes the partnership a working, accountable relationship. 

Meeting finished at 11:15 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by Barb Bottger, Secretary

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Annual Meeting October 23, 2010 Poplar Creek Guesthouse B&B (Draft)

(Karen asked Julie Kilpatrick to take minutes since the secretary was absent.)- 33 people present.

Call to order:  Karen Monson called the meeting to order shortly after 5:30 pm

Approval of agenda
Treasurer’s Report:  Karla Miller, treasurer, gave a brief financial report indicating that the BTA has a positive checking account balance.  Full financial report information will be distributed to the board soon after the meeting.

President’s Report 
            Karen showed the “Banadad Beavers” t-shirt and encouraged people to consider buying one.  The t-shirts were designed to thank trail volunteers from the  the Minnesota Conservation Corps (MCC) who helped with trail work this summer
            Karen thanked everyone for contributing to the BTA and presented gifts of appreciation to each of the founding trail association members.  She announced that she was finishing her term as chair.
            Karen introduced the new board members and slate of officers:  Linda Bosma President, Andy Jenks Vice President; Kate Kelnberger, Treasurer;; Barbara Bottger Secretary, Tom Rice, Peter Spink, Anne Rykken, Chris Matter, Wayne Monsen, and  Karla Miller.  Barb Bottger and John Bottger are also on the board but were uanble to attend the meeting.

Linda Bosma announced that BTA will be establishing a finance committee early in the year to ensure that BTA establishes sound financial producedures and record keeping process to maintain compliance with our impending non-profit status.

Trail Maintenance and slide show.  Ted Young gave an update on trail maintenance.  Over ten miles of trail were groomed over the weekend.  Most of the Banadad was not damaged by the prescribed burns conducted during the week by the Forest Service.  An area of red cedars was burned by mistake.

Jim  Rice showed a slide show of the weekend’s maintenance.

A comedy presentation was made by “The Looney Divas”.

Linda Bosma concluded the meeting, and thanked Karen Monson for her service as the founding Board President.  She also thanked all the volunteers in attendance at the meeting for their work grooming and clearing the trail.
Meeting Adjourned.

A potluck supper followed the meeting.

Board Meeting- October 23, 2010 at Poplar Creek Guesthouse

Present: Karen Monsen, Linda Bosma, Karla Miller, Kate Kelnberger, Tom Rice, Peter Spink, Anne Rykken, Chris Matter, Wayne Monsen, Andy Jenks, Julie Kilpatrick, Ted Young, Jim Morrison

Julie Kilpatrick took minutes since Secretary Barb Bottger was unable to attend the meeting.

Karen Monson gave the nominating committee report.  The Nominating Committee was Karen and Ted Young.  Officers nominated were Linda Bosma, President; Andy Jenks, Vice President;Kate Kelnberger, Treasure; Barb Bottger, Secretary.  Karen asked for a vote of acclimation for the slate of officers.   Slate elected by acclimation.

Karen said she would like to stay involved as ex officio past president member.

Non Profit Designation
            Wayne Monson reported that the application is done and an attorney is reviewing it.  When feedback is received from the attorney, application will be submitted as soon as needed revisions can be made.

Membership Committee
            Peter Spink gave the membership committee report.  The committee has identified the following tasks to undertake immediately:
            Staff Midwest Mountaineering both only if sufficient number of volunteers are able to staff the booth; cost is $70 (Peter, Linda, Chris, Wayne, Karen, and Karla volunteered; Peter will send out a schedule to try to recruit more help; Linda stressed the importance of staffing the event and that BTA should not pay the fee and plan to do it unless enough people can help.)
            Committee will work with BCT to send letter to ski guests who use the Trail  and through an arrangement with BCT when they book guests. 
Linda will work with Ted to incorporate member info in the press release for Cook Co paper.
Chris will take the lead on researching and installation of a contribution box that can be placed at the trailheads to accept donations. 
Outreach to North Stars Ski Touring Club to solicit memberships.
Business memberships/sponsorships will be created in the following categories:  $500 level receive link on BTA website and ad in newsletters, $250 level receive website link, $100 level have name listed on website; Midwest         

Motion:  BTA will pay the $70 fee for a table at Midwest Mountaineering Expo contingent on sufficient volunteers committing to staff the table.  Motion passed.
Finance Committee
            Linda announced that a Finance Committee will be established.  This is needed so that we ensure we are monitoring the grants BTA receives and establishing sound financial and accounting procedures to stay in good standing.  Linda will be contacting members to invite them to be part of the Finance Committee soon after the meeting.  Anyone interested in volunteering should contact Linda.

Re-Printing Needs: Motion carried to do the following:
            BTA Brochure 1000 8.5x11 will cost between $200-250
                        Need edits and phone no. Ann will revise brochure
            Banadad Trail Maps 500 8.5x14 will cost $200 to 300
                        In a month we need new maps. Tom and Andy will make new maps.

Motion: Brochure should be redesigned and maps should be redesigned.  Motion passed.

Volkski 500 will take place this year on February 12, 2011.  BTA participated last year and much of the trail was skied. All are encouraged to come and ski that weekend, as it will be a good opportunity for publicity.  Members decided BTA should participate and encourage people to ski all sections of the trail.  It was also agreed that it should be advertised in the BTA newsletter.

Trail Plan
Linda reminded the board that the BTA, with Ted’s leadership, created a detailed Trail Plan for the Banadad last spring.  The Trail Plan was created in part in response to a request from the Forest Service for all trail organizations in Cook County to provide up-to-date trail planning information.  The Forest Service was very impressed with the BTA Trail Plan and reported that they planned to use it with other trail organizations as an example of what a trial plan should look like and include.  Linda told people to let her or Ted know if they need a copy of the plan, as it did not seem that everyone had seen it.  The Trail Plan will need to be updated this year, based on current plans, conditions, and resources. 

Equipment Lease
The BTA applied for and received an equipment grant to purchase a snowmobile and drag for tracking the Banadad Trail. BTA will own the equipment until the lease arrangements are successful fulfilled by Boundary Country Trekking whereupon Boundary Country Trekking would become Co-owner of the equipment with BTA  Ted and Linda B, Karen M, and Chris M. have negotiated and/or reviewed the lease conditions.

Approval of preliminary Budget
Karla Miller presented a preliminary budget to the group, which was approved.  More detailed, written budget information will be sent out to the board shortly after the annual meeting, for approval by email.
The agenda for the annual meeting was reviewed and approved.

Other Business:  Karen modeled the new Banadad Beavers t-shirt.  Shirts are for sale for $20.  They were designed and printed originally to present to MCC who worked on the  trail this past summer doing maintenance. 

Meeting adjourned.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Board Minutes July 28, 2010

Conference Call  7 p.m.

Present:  Barb Botter, Peter Spink, Chris Matter, Karen Monsen, Wayne Monsen, Karla Miller, Linda Bosma, John Bottger, Ted Young, Anne Rykken

Karen called the meeting to order.

Approval of minutes  John moved, Peter seconded approval.  Comment – the edits will be incorporated.  Minutes approved.

Financial Report.  Balance is $1,328.00  John moves, Peter seconds acceptance of this report. 

Committee Reports:

Website C. – no business.

Membership C. -  Committee met and started setting goals for membership which resulted in needing the financial needs of the association.  We realize that we don’t currently bring in enough resources; thus we need a better understanding of the needs.  Chris presented a grid to address four main categories in membership.  Karla wondered about sending out invoices to members for annual reminder.  Maybe we could just do email reminders?  Barb suggests that all board members commit to helping with the membership drive as outlined by the Membership C.  Anything needed from board members must be very clear, specific to be returned to one person then you will get the information you need.  Karen moved that all board members support the membership committee.  100% verbal support!

Nonprofit Status C. – Linda not able to make progress on report but will have papers to attorney by August 15.

West End Re-route – Tom shared graphic with plans for reroute. 

Possible Forest Service Grant – Barb has link for a grant and will check it out.

Nominating C. – Karen noted that this committee needs to be convened each year and needs a board member to work with Karen along with a non-board member.  Please send her an email to volunteer.  Linda B. has indicated interest in running for president of the BTA.

Annual Meeting – Sat. Oct. 23 in conjunction with board meeting and potluck.  We’ll invite members from North Stars and others.  We will recognize and thank the volunteers who will be with us that day.  Karen encourages all board members to be present.

Additional Project Needs – Ted needs someone to work with him on setting up a usage agreement and a financing agreement for this new grant for equipment needs.  The grant requires taking out a loan for $6,000.00.  Linda B. will work with Ted on this project.

Trail Maintenance Report  - Ted presented the following:

1) MCC – 5 guys have been working now for 8 days, clearing from Banadad bridge for ¾ to the east and 3 miles to the west.  Three pockets need major widening.  Len Voit and Ted were out on Sun. and saw the MCC and saw they were doing a great job.  Ted suggests we give them an award/token of some kind as gratitude because they make very little money.  Anne agreed to design a t-shirt and will get back to Ted.  This could also be extended to baseball caps.

2) Trail Widening – Jim R. has a mile to clear, two pockets ½ mi each at the cost of $2,000 to be covered under our DNR grant.  He’ll do it at the end of August.  We’ll give a copy of payment check to Cheryl at the County to be reimbursed.  Ted will be submitting an invoice (for supervising the MCC group) to be paid by the BTA with reimbursement from the county.

3) Volunteer Projects – North Stars Oct. 21-24.  Minnehaha Academy Nov. 19-21  North Stars get free lodging but Minnehaha Academy has been paying a fee.  Ted proposes that the two volunteer groups with an established history receive compensation for lodging for their volunteer work.   Boundary Country Trekking would subsidize any expenses the BTA could not cover.  Karen proposes that these volunteers should be treated equally and lodging should be provided.  Discussion showed agreement with need to build this expense into our annual budget.   John moves that these two organizations currently doing maintenance on the trail receive the same lodging allowance, Linda seconds.  Motion carries with North Star members abstaining. 

4) Volunteer Insurance Coverage - Ted talked to his agent and their worker’s comp coverage would apply based upon hours worked and/or lodging costs.  Ted would need the volunteer names and addresses.  He can do this for a minimal cost that he will not worry about.  A list of names and addresses will need to be submitted to Ted.

Volks Ski 2011 -   Board members are encouraged to participate in this event with a proposed board retreat to occur the same weekend.

Midwest Mountaineering - Nov. 19-21.  Booth level is $70 or we could go in with North Pine, Pin Cushion and Sugar Bush.  We should have a meeting with these folks.  A decision about this exhibition would need to be made by the annual meeting.  Joint effort with the other associations would be a good thing.  We could invite them to our annual meeting.  This needs to be incorporated in the budget and we’ll talk to the committee members.  Peter says we need to discuss our goal – is it visibility or memberships?  John moves that we come through with a proposal at the annual meeting for a goal and plan to work with other associations.  John will work with Ted on this proposal.

Next meeting – Saturday, October 23 at Boundary Country Trekking, time to be announced.

Barb moves, Peter seconds that meeting be adjourned at 8 p.m.

Meeting notes by Barb Bottger