Thursday, July 29, 2010

Board Minutes July 28, 2010

Conference Call  7 p.m.

Present:  Barb Botter, Peter Spink, Chris Matter, Karen Monsen, Wayne Monsen, Karla Miller, Linda Bosma, John Bottger, Ted Young, Anne Rykken

Karen called the meeting to order.

Approval of minutes  John moved, Peter seconded approval.  Comment – the edits will be incorporated.  Minutes approved.

Financial Report.  Balance is $1,328.00  John moves, Peter seconds acceptance of this report. 

Committee Reports:

Website C. – no business.

Membership C. -  Committee met and started setting goals for membership which resulted in needing the financial needs of the association.  We realize that we don’t currently bring in enough resources; thus we need a better understanding of the needs.  Chris presented a grid to address four main categories in membership.  Karla wondered about sending out invoices to members for annual reminder.  Maybe we could just do email reminders?  Barb suggests that all board members commit to helping with the membership drive as outlined by the Membership C.  Anything needed from board members must be very clear, specific to be returned to one person then you will get the information you need.  Karen moved that all board members support the membership committee.  100% verbal support!

Nonprofit Status C. – Linda not able to make progress on report but will have papers to attorney by August 15.

West End Re-route – Tom shared graphic with plans for reroute. 

Possible Forest Service Grant – Barb has link for a grant and will check it out.

Nominating C. – Karen noted that this committee needs to be convened each year and needs a board member to work with Karen along with a non-board member.  Please send her an email to volunteer.  Linda B. has indicated interest in running for president of the BTA.

Annual Meeting – Sat. Oct. 23 in conjunction with board meeting and potluck.  We’ll invite members from North Stars and others.  We will recognize and thank the volunteers who will be with us that day.  Karen encourages all board members to be present.

Additional Project Needs – Ted needs someone to work with him on setting up a usage agreement and a financing agreement for this new grant for equipment needs.  The grant requires taking out a loan for $6,000.00.  Linda B. will work with Ted on this project.

Trail Maintenance Report  - Ted presented the following:

1) MCC – 5 guys have been working now for 8 days, clearing from Banadad bridge for ¾ to the east and 3 miles to the west.  Three pockets need major widening.  Len Voit and Ted were out on Sun. and saw the MCC and saw they were doing a great job.  Ted suggests we give them an award/token of some kind as gratitude because they make very little money.  Anne agreed to design a t-shirt and will get back to Ted.  This could also be extended to baseball caps.

2) Trail Widening – Jim R. has a mile to clear, two pockets ½ mi each at the cost of $2,000 to be covered under our DNR grant.  He’ll do it at the end of August.  We’ll give a copy of payment check to Cheryl at the County to be reimbursed.  Ted will be submitting an invoice (for supervising the MCC group) to be paid by the BTA with reimbursement from the county.

3) Volunteer Projects – North Stars Oct. 21-24.  Minnehaha Academy Nov. 19-21  North Stars get free lodging but Minnehaha Academy has been paying a fee.  Ted proposes that the two volunteer groups with an established history receive compensation for lodging for their volunteer work.   Boundary Country Trekking would subsidize any expenses the BTA could not cover.  Karen proposes that these volunteers should be treated equally and lodging should be provided.  Discussion showed agreement with need to build this expense into our annual budget.   John moves that these two organizations currently doing maintenance on the trail receive the same lodging allowance, Linda seconds.  Motion carries with North Star members abstaining. 

4) Volunteer Insurance Coverage - Ted talked to his agent and their worker’s comp coverage would apply based upon hours worked and/or lodging costs.  Ted would need the volunteer names and addresses.  He can do this for a minimal cost that he will not worry about.  A list of names and addresses will need to be submitted to Ted.

Volks Ski 2011 -   Board members are encouraged to participate in this event with a proposed board retreat to occur the same weekend.

Midwest Mountaineering - Nov. 19-21.  Booth level is $70 or we could go in with North Pine, Pin Cushion and Sugar Bush.  We should have a meeting with these folks.  A decision about this exhibition would need to be made by the annual meeting.  Joint effort with the other associations would be a good thing.  We could invite them to our annual meeting.  This needs to be incorporated in the budget and we’ll talk to the committee members.  Peter says we need to discuss our goal – is it visibility or memberships?  John moves that we come through with a proposal at the annual meeting for a goal and plan to work with other associations.  John will work with Ted on this proposal.

Next meeting – Saturday, October 23 at Boundary Country Trekking, time to be announced.

Barb moves, Peter seconds that meeting be adjourned at 8 p.m.

Meeting notes by Barb Bottger

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